
If you are seeking emergency assistance with housing including a need for emergency shelter, legal aid, tenant legal resources, intimate or family violence, or resources for low-income homeowners facing foreclosure see our emergency assistance Resource Guide:

Steps to find affordable housing

If you are looking for resources on how to find a stable, long-term affordable home, read our Steps to Find Affordable Housing resource and connect with organizations that provide housing to apply for waitlists, get information on Section 8 Housing Vouchers, and more:

If you need emergency food assistance, or rental assistance because of the COVID19 pandemic, see our COVID19 Get Support Page:

REMINDER: Alameda County Tenants are still protected by an eviction moratorium until 60 days after the end of the county-wide state of emergency. As of January 2022, this emergency order is still in place.

Please note that EBHO is not a service provider and does not build or manage affordable housing. If you are seeking emergency housing, please contact 2-1-1 or the organizations on our Our Housing Resources Page.

Tenant Stability Resources

Rent Relief is still available in some East Bay communities. Click here to view the state website with more information.

If you have questions about your rights as a tenant, talking to a tenant counselor early is important to stay stably housed! See our list of legal aid support for tenants here, view resources from Tenants Together, or call their hotline at (888) 495 8020.

Substantial Remodel FAQ Fact Sheet from Centro Legal:

Is your landlord saying you need to move out because of a substantial remodel? View this Fact Sheet from Centro Legal de la Raza.

Resources For Learning:

Visit our online Study Room to learn more about what affordable housing is, the people and places, and what historical decisions and opportunities are available to build power and create thriving communities.

Listen & Learn Playlist:

Screenshot of EBHO's Listen & Learn Playlist header on Spotify.

Are you on the move and want to learn more about issues of housing justice, affordable housing, and homelessness (and how to end it) in the Bay Area? Click through to listen to our Spotify Listen & Learn playlist.

Data on Inadequate Housing in the East Bay:

Alameda County 2019 Housing Emergency Update

Alameda County 2019 Homelessness Point in Time Count

Alameda County Office of Homeless Care & Coordination

Contra Costa County Department of Health, Housing, and Homeless Services

Contra Costa County 2019 Housing Emergency Update

For more low-income housing and homelessness news and resources in the Bay Area, please visit the websites of our regional partner organizations:

Bay Area:

The Council of Community Housing Organizations (San Francisco)

EveryOne Home (Alameda County)

The Housing Leadership Council of San Mateo County

The Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California (NPH)



Housing California

California Housing Partnership Corporation (CHPC)


National Alliance to End Homelessness

National Low-Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC)

National Alliance of Community Economic Development Associations (NACEDA)


From 1997-2021 EBHO published the Affordable Housing Guidebook, a resource for advocates, developers, policymakers, people seeking housing, and anyone looking to learn more about affordable housing in the East Bay. This 48-page publication features the contributions of our members, shares stories about how we can increase the number of people who live in safe, affordable homes, and tells the stories of who lives in affordable housing. Now, our Study Room is the place where we share information on strategies to expand affordable homes for all, stories of people who live in affordable homes, and information about specific housing communities in the East Bay.

Click below to download a PDF version of these past guidebooks. You can also download the 2020-2021 Resource Brochure in English,  Spanish, or Chinese, which provides the tips and housing developer listings from our Guidebook in an easy-to-use format.

Affordable Housing Guidebook 2020-2021

The cover of the 2020-2021 Affordable Housing Guidebook. Image shows Image shows a yellow and brown multi-family apartment building on the side with a blue sky above and in the center, a multi-racial group of six people between 25 and 60, sitting on a gray brick wall with ivy growing behind them, the base of a palm tree, and a worn brown fence above their heads.
The cover of the print version of the Affordable Housing Guidebook.

View the 2020-2021 Web Version of the Affordable Housing Guidebook.

Download a PDF of the Affordable Housing Guidebook.

Resource Guide: English

Resource Guide: Spanish

Resource Guide: Chinese

Affordable Housing Guidebook 2019-20

2019-2020 Guidebook

Resource Guide- English

Resource Guide- Spanish

Resource Guide- Chinese

Affordable Housing Guidebook 2018-19

2018-2019 Guidebook

Resource Guide- English

Resource Guide- Spanish

Resource Guide- Chinese

Affordable Housing Guidebook 2017-18

2017-2018 Guidebook

Resource Guide- English

Resource Guide- Spanish

Resource Guide- Chinese

Affordable Housing Guidebook 2016-17

rsz guidebook cover

2016-2017 Guidebook

Resources Brochure – English

Resources Brochure – Spanish

Resources Brochure – Chinese

Affordable Housing Guidebook 2015-2016

Guidebook Part-1 Intro-page-001

Guidebook Part 1: Introduction

Guidebook Part 2: Articles

Guidebook Part 3: Resident Stories, Resources, and Building Profiles

Guidebook Part 4: Advertisers, Members, and Sponsors

Full Guidebook

Resources Brochure



Guidebook Part 1: Introduction

Guidebook Part 2: Articles

Guidebook Part 3: Resident Stories, Resources, and Building Profiles

Guidebook Part 4: Advertisers, Members, and Sponsors

Full Guidebook

Resources Brochure



Guidebook Part 1: Introduction

Guidebook Part 2: Articles

Guidebook Part 3: Resident Stories, Resources, and Building Profiles

Guidebook Part 4: Advertisers, Members, and Sponsors

Resources Brochure


The 2012-2013 Guidebook was released on May 11, 2012 at our Affordable Housing Week Kick-Off Celebration!  Download a copy below, or see Affordable Housing Guidebooks from 2011-2012 and 2010-2011.  For back issues of the Guidebook (1997-2009), please contact Gloria Bruce at

Cover guidebook 2012

Download sections of the 2012-2013 guidebook by clicking the links below.

Guidebook Part 1: Articles

Guidebook Part 2: Resident and Building Profiles and Resources

Guidebook Part 3: Advertisers, Members and Sponsors

Our 2011-2012 Guidebook is also available online for reference:

EBHO-2011Guidebook-Cover small

Download sections of the 2011-2012 guidebook by clicking the links below:


Letter to our Readers; How to Use the Guidebook; About EBHO

Section 1

What Is Affordable Housing in 2011?; Weaving Strong Communities: Youth Development; A Worthwhile Investment: Preventing Homelessness; Key Strategies to Create and Preserve Affordable Homes; Get Involved; Interfaith Communities Unite for Housing and Social Justice

Section 2

An Affordable Housing Agenda for the Regional SCS; The Green Connection: Affordable Housing = Less Traffic; Steps to Find Affordable Housing; Resources to Help You Find Affordable Housing; Non-Profit Developers and Service Providers; A Tour of Today’s Affordable Housing

Section 3

The Many Faces of Affordable Housing : Resident Stories

Section 4

Advertisers Index; Advertisers

Section 5 – coming soon

Advertisers, Cont.; Acknowledgments

Our 2010-2011 Guidebook is available online for reference:

guidebook 2010 cover

Section 1

How to Use the Guidebook; Letter to our Readers; About EBHO; What is Affordable Housing in 2010?; Proven Strategies to Create and Preserve Affordable Housing; Oakland’s Broadway Auto Row; An Investment in Healthy, Thriving Communities; A Call to Action; Taking Green Retrofit to Scale; Making Smart Growth Affordable to all; Steps to Find Affordable Housing; Resources

Section 2

A Tour of Affordable Housing Developments; Developers & Providers; The Many Faces of Affordable Housing

Section 3

Advertisers Index; Advertisers

Section 4

Advertisers Index, Cont.; Tributes; Sponsors