Rental Assistance
Alameda County’s eviction moratorium ended on April 29, 2023. Renters in Berkeley may be entitled to additional protections until August 31st, 2023. Learn more about emergency tenant protections in your area and find a legal service provider who can help you understand your rights.
Unfortunately, the COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Programs (ERAP) in the East Bay have now closed. However, you may be able to find more limited financial assistance depending on where you live.
Unincorporated Alameda County Emergency Rental Assistance (UAC ERA)
The Unincorporated Alameda County Emergency Rental Assistance application is now open as of August 14th, 2023. Tenants in Unincorporated Alameda County who meet household income guidelines and are behind on rent/facing financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic may be eligible for assistance. Funding is limited, so apply as soon as possible. Reach out to UAC-ERA@centrolegal.org for any questions or further information.

Oakland — CLOSED
Oakland’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) is now closed. You may also be able to access emergency financial assistance through Alameda County Housing Secure. You can apply by contacting any of the legal service providers listed on their website.
Fremont — CLOSED
Fremont’s program is now closed. You may be able to access emergency financial assistance through AC Housing Secure. You can apply by contacting any of the legal service providers listed on their website.
Alameda County (outside of Oakland and Fremont) – CLOSED
Alameda County’s program is now closed. You may be able to access emergency financial assistance through Alameda County Housing Secure. You can apply by contacting any of the legal service providers listed on their website.
Contra Costa County – CLOSED
The State’s program, which operated in Contra Costa County, is now closed.
If you have additional questions, or see information that looks out-of-date, please email staff@ebho.org.
More Information
For information on emergency tenant protections, see our page on COVID–19 eviction moratoriums.You can see a full list of housing support services in the East Bay, including how and where to apply for permanently affordable housing, in our resource guide.