EBHO’s Faith & Justice Committee develops and maintains collaborative relationships with faith communities, faith leaders, and interfaith and inter-religious organizations throughout the Bay Area to advance our collective fight for housing justice. Committee members share a belief in the intersectionality of the housing justice movement with the struggle against all systemic violence and racial and economic injustice.
As members of East Bay Housing Organizations and the Faith & Justice Committee, members work to educate, empower, and organize people of faith to take action to preserve, protect, and create affordable housing. Additionally, the Faith & Justice Committee and its members seek to acknowledge and bring to light the intersectionality of the movement for housing justice and the shared struggles of workers, immigrants, people with disabilities and members of all marginalized and/or disenfranchised communities against systemic violence, and racial and economic injustice. We believe that we will win!
Major activities of our Committee include the Annual Faith & Justice Breakfast and organizing for faith and housing related legislation.
Formerly known as Interfaith Communities United, the Faith & Justice Committee meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month from 3:00 – 4:30 PM. For more information or to get involved, please fill out the form below and our Community, Faith, & Justice Organizer, Ronnie Boyd, will follow up with you.

EBHO’s Faith & Justice work is truly unique. We feel there is a moral imperative to preserve, protect, and produce affordable housing in the East Bay, and we take pride in our intersectional and interfaith approach to housing advocacy.”
— Ronnie Boyd, Community, Faith, and Justice Organizer

I enjoy being part of interfaith communities … with the diversity of people, we are able to glean things that we would not be able to otherwise. Your faith group gives you connections that another faith group would not be able to utilize.”
— Robin Walker, EBHO Member