Event Series Regional Policy Committee

Regional Policy Committee

Online Event

EBHO’s East Bay Regional Policy Committee engages in policy advocacy for equitable development throughout the region and provides support and technical assistance for EBHO’s local efforts for affordable homes in a number of communities throughout the East Bay.

Event Series Oakland Committee Meeting

Oakland Committee Meeting

EBHO has its roots in Oakland. We were founded as Oakland Housing Organizations and have a long history of advocacy and wins in the East Bay’s largest city, including guaranteeing affordable housing in the Uptown development, the adoption of a housing impact fee in 2016, and establishing housing and homelessness as a top issue for […]

February Lunch & Learn — Community Land Trusts: A Community-Centered Permanent Affordable Housing Model

East Bay Housing Organizations began as a series of informal, monthly brown bag lunches. Affordable housing developers, architects, advocates, city staff, and community activists gathered to discuss how to advance affordable housing in Oakland. For our 40th Anniversary in 2024, in the spirit of the year's theme, Powerful Legacy, Powerful Future, we launched a monthly series of […]

Event Series Concord Committee

Concord Committee

Online Event

EBHO’s Concord Committee meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 2 PM over Zoom. The Committee's work mostly focuses on the development of the Concord Naval Weapons Station (CNWS), a decommissioned Naval munitions storage base, half of which is being given to the City of Concord for development.

Event Series Regional Policy Committee

Regional Policy Committee

Online Event

EBHO’s East Bay Regional Policy Committee engages in policy advocacy for equitable development throughout the region and provides support and technical assistance for EBHO’s local efforts for affordable homes in a number of communities throughout the East Bay.