Our Work

EBHO works through organized ongoing committees made up of our members. We organize campaigns focused on a specific policy area or geographic community; our members shape our campaign strategies and decisions. Join us to get involved in a committee.

EBHO Committees

Concord Committee

EBHO’s Concord Committee advocates for affordable housing in the largest city in Contra Costa County as part of coalitions. For more than a decade, we have been active in advocating for high numbers of affordable housing in the redevelopment of the Concord Naval Weapons Station (CNWS). We work as part of the Raise the Roof Coalition to support tenant rights in Concord; in 2019 the coalition supported local residents in forming the first city-wide tenants union, Todos Santos Tenants Union. We also advocate that the City of Concord use public land for public good, and advocate for city owned land to be used to expand affordable homes in the City. For more information on Concord organizing, contact Megan Nguyen at megan@ebho.org.

Oakland Committee

EBHO’s Oakland Committee works on affordable housing policy advocacy campaigns and addresses critical issues including increasing funds for affordable housing. Our Oakland Committee informs our approach to advocacy in the city and works together to advocate for affordable housing in the areas of development and preservation, redevelopment, zoning and land use, specific planning processes, tenants rights, budgeting, and coalition building. For more information, contact Angelina Cornejo at angelina@ebho.org.

Policy Committee

The Policy Committee organizes members to impact regional issues to create affordable homes and just communities. The Regional Policy Committee informs our approach and works together to take action on statewide legislation, city housing elements, the implementation of Plan Bay Area, regional funding, and the intersection of housing and transportation. For more information or to get involved, contact Jeff Levin at jeff@ebho.org.

Berkeley Committee

EBHO’s Berkeley Committee focuses on city-level policies and funding to shape development, preserve low-income housing, and protect tenants in Berkeley. Currently, the committee is working to shape affordable housing at the North Berkeley BART development, the Adeline corridor Project, and the disbursement of funds from past Affordable Housing Measures. To learn more about this committee or to get involved, please contact Sophia Dewitt at sophia@ebho.org.

Faith & Justice Committee

EBHO’s Faith & Justice Committee develops and maintains collaborative relationships with leading Bay Area interfaith and inter-religious organizations. work to educate, empower, and organize people of faith to take action to preserve, protect, and create affordable housing.  Additionally, the Faith and Justice Committee and its members seek to acknowledge and bring to light the intersectionality of the movement for housing justice and the shared struggles of workers, immigrants, people with disabilities and members of all marginalized and/or disenfranchised communities against systemic violence, and racial and economic injustice. We believe that we will win!

Formerly known as Interfaith Communities United, the faith-rooted organizing committee also organizes an interfaith breakfast in the Fall and Housing Sabbath during Affordable Housing Week. To get involved, please contact Sophia Dewitt at sophia@ebho.org.

Resident & Community Organizing Program Committee (RCOP)

EBHO’s Resident Organizing Program empowers affordable housing residents in Oakland and Berkeley to be affordable housing advocates engaged in EBHO’s campaigns and programs. RCOP Committee runs transformative leadership trainings and engages affordable housing residents in the policy and neighborhood decisions that affect them directly. If you are a resident of an Affordable Housing community who wants to get involved, please contact Damion Scott at damion@ebho.org.

EBHO Members at our 2018 Membership Celebration

Have an idea for another campaign or committee?  Become a member and help shape our work!

EBHO Campaigns

Statewide Organizing

Decisions at the state level have a profound impact on localities in the East Bay.  EBHO has been deeply involved in efforts to protect, preserve, and produce affordable housing. We have worked in coalition with partners across the affordable housing and advocacy sectors to win many key affordable housing and renter protection bills in the state assembly as part of the 3P’s Coalition. We have partnered to launch the Residents United Network (RUN) to create a statewide advocacy movement for affordable homes. Read more about our statewide organizing efforts.

Annual Affordable Housing Month

Each May we participate in a region-wide Affordable Housing Month. Our series of educational events, community conversations, discussion panels, ground breakings, tours, and grand openings highlight the housing struggles facing our communities as well as what our members create in order to help solve those struggles. EBHO and our members sponsor events throughout the East Bay that reach thousands of residents, housing and service providers, advocates, local government staff and elected officials.

For more information, please contact Kiki Poe at kiki@ebho.org.

EBHO’s committees and campaigns have real impact! Read our 2020 Impact Report: Anchored Through Upheaval, to see what we achieved during a critical and trying year.

Interested in participating in our committees? Committees are for EBHO members only. Join us as an EBHO Member. If you’d like to come see what it’s all about before you join, reach out to the committee lead listed.

Do you want to take action with us and stay up to date? Join our email list.