Faith & Justice Committee Meeting
EBHO's Faith and Justice Committee develops and maintains collaborative relationships with faith communities, faith leaders, and interfaith and inter-religious organizations throughout the Bay Area.
EBHO's Faith and Justice Committee develops and maintains collaborative relationships with faith communities, faith leaders, and interfaith and inter-religious organizations throughout the Bay Area.
EBHO’s East Bay Regional Policy Committee engages in policy advocacy for equitable development throughout the region and provides support and technical assistance for EBHO’s local efforts for affordable homes in a number of communities throughout the East Bay.
The City of Oakland's Department of Housing and Community Development is meeting with key stakeholder groups to discuss prioritization and strategies for Measure U funding. We invite East Bay Housing Organizations members to join in this two-part conversation to provide ideas and input.
EBHO's Oakland Committee works on critical issues including increasing funds for affordable housing development and preservation, displacement, zoning and land use, specific planning processes, tenants rights, and coalition building.
Based in Oakland and expanding throughout the East Bay, RCOP Committee runs transformative leadership trainings and engages affordable housing residents in the policy and neighborhood decisions that affect them directly.
EBHO's Faith and Justice Committee develops and maintains collaborative relationships with faith communities, faith leaders, and interfaith and inter-religious organizations throughout the Bay Area.
EBHO’s East Bay Regional Policy Committee engages in policy advocacy for equitable development throughout the region and provides support and technical assistance for EBHO’s local efforts for affordable homes in a number of communities throughout the East Bay.
EBHO's Oakland Committee works on critical issues including increasing funds for affordable housing development and preservation, displacement, zoning and land use, specific planning processes, tenants rights, and coalition building.
Join EBHO and St. Mary's Center for a briefing on two bold affordable housing ballot measures set to appear on the 2024 ballot. This discussion is intended for affordable housing advocates and service providers in Alameda County.
Are you having problems with your landlord? Do you have questions about your rights as a tenant? OTU is here to help!