Below is a selected list of articles, publications, and reports related to EBHO’s campaigns and issue areas.
Rental Housing
- East Bay Housing Organizations & Community Economics, Inc. “The Impact of Short Term Rentals on Affordable Housing in Oakland: A Report and Recommendations.” 2015.
- California Housing Partnership Corporation. “How Alameda County’s Housing Market is Failing to Meet the Needs of Low-Income Families.” 2014.
- National Low Income Housing Coalition, “Out of Reach 2013.” 2013.
- The Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University, The State of Nation’s Housing 2012.” 2012.
- Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California, “Bay Area Housing Survey Report.” 2010.
Land Use and Regional Policy
- Stephen Barton, “Land Value, Land Rent and Progressive Housing Policy.” Progressive Planning, 2010.
- Nico Calavita and Marian Wolfe, “White Paper on the Theory, Economics and Practice of Public Benefit Zoning.” 2014.
- Nico Calavita and Marian Wolfe, “White Paper on the Theory, Economics and Practice of Public Benefit Zoning.” [Executive Summary]. 2014.
- Peter Cohen, EBHO 2011-2012 Affordable Housing Guidebook: “An Affordable Housing Agenda for the Regional “Sustainable Communities Strategy.” 2011.
- EBHO, “East Bay Housing Organizations (EBHO) Framing Paper on Gentrification, Displacement and Public Benefits in Oakland.” 2014.
- EBHO, “Survey & Study on Parking Needs & Utilization in Affordable Housing Developments in the East Bay.” 2015.
- Alan Mallach and EBHO member Nico Calavita, “Inclusionary Housing, Incentives, and Land Value Recapture.” 2009.
Affordable Housing and Healthy Communities
- Rachel Thomson, “No Place For Faith: The Impact of Displacement on Churches.” 2016.
- Speiglman Associates, “Alameda County AIDS Housing Needs Assessment Presentation.” 2014. Full report available here. Appendices available here.
- The Center for Housing Policy, “The Role of Affordable Housing in Creating Jobs and Stimulating Local Economic Development: A Review of the Literature.” 2013.
- RAND Corporation, “Is Inclusionary Zoning Inclusionary? A Guide for Practitioners.” 2012.
- Enterprise Community Partners, Inc. and The Center for Housing Policy, “The Positive Impacts of Affordable Housing on Education: A Resarch Summary.” 2007.
- National Center for Healthy Housing, “Housing and Health: New Opportunities for Dialogue and Action.” 2012.
- The Center for Housing Policy, “Framing the Issues—the Positive Impacts of Affordable Housing on Health.” (Full report). 2007.
- EveryOne Home, “Measuring Progress – Achieving Outcomes: 2013 Progress Report on Ending Homelessness in Alameda County, CA.” June 2014
- EveryOne Home, “2013 Homeless Count and Service Report of Alameda County.” 2013.
- EveryOne Home, “Measuring Success: Progress Report on Ending Homelessness in Alameda County, CA.” 2012.
- Andrew Matsas, “Knowing Your Role: How Nonprofits can be a Part of the Foreclosed Properties Conversation” EBHO, 2014.
- The City of Oakland, “Foreclosure and Delinquency Study.” 2011.
- Causa Justa :: Just Cause and the Alameda County Department of Public Health, “Rebuilding Neighborhoods, Restoring Health.” 2011.
- Elyse D. Cherry and Patricia Hanratty, “Purchasing Properties from REO and Reselling to Existing Occupants: Lessons from the Field on Keeping People in Place.” REO and Vacant Properties: Strategies for Neighborhood Stabilization. Eds. Federal Reserve Banks of Boston and Cleveland and the Federal Reserve Board: 2010. 115-122.
- Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE) and the California Reinvestment Coalition (CRC), “The Wall Street Wrecking Ball.” 2011.
- Urban Strategies Council, “Who Owns Your Neighborhood?: The Role of Investors in Post-Foreclosure Oakland.” (Executive summary) 2012.
Equitable Development
- Center for Community Innovation (Karen Chapple et al.), “Mapping Susceptibility to Gentrification.” 2009.
- PolicyLink, “California’s Tomorrow: Equity is the Superior Growth Model.” 2012.
- Gloria Bruce, Fact sheet: “Redevelopment 101.” 2012.
- Christy Lefall, Gloria Bruce, and Marcy Rein. “Redevelopment: After the Fall” Race, Poverty & the Environment. Vol. 19, No. 1, 2012.
- The Center for Transit-Oriented Development, “Families and Transit-Oriented Develoment: Creating Complete Communities for All.” 2012.