If you live in Concord, you may have heard of the plan to redevelop the Concord Naval Weapons Station, a former U.S. Navy base, into housing and commercial space for the community.
Next Saturday, January 28, the Concord City Council will be voting on a terms sheet put forth by the developer which lays out important details like how much affordable housing will be included in the project and what will be built when.
Unfortunately, the proposal in front of City Council does not include enough affordable housing. We oppose this term sheet.
(For a detailed breakdown of the policy issues with this term sheet, please read this summary put together by EBHO’s Concord Committee.)
The conversion of the naval base is a unique opportunity to envision the future of our community. It’s critical that we get this right.
Concord residents, please tell the City Council to put Concord first and reject this term sheet!