The Concord Naval Weapons Station Reuse Project will create thousands of new homes. EBHO, Monument Impact, and other community organizations in Contra Costa County have advocated for years to ensure 25% of the new homes are affordable to low-income people. The 2021 Affordable Housing Needs Report estimated that there are over 27,000 low-income households in Contra Costa in need of an affordable home. Affordable housing is a top priority as the site is transformed into a neighborhood. Given its size, this project will have a massive impact on the region, which is experiencing a dramatic shortfall in affordable homes.
On August 12th, EBHO and Monument Impact hosted a Community Forum to hear from the three candidates to be Master Developer on this project. Over 100 EBHO and Monument Impact members attended this community forum because we know that solving the affordable housing crisis in our communities requires maximizing the number of affordable homes in this development and station redevelopment across the region. The Concord City Council will hear public comment and vote on Saturday, August 21st. Read our press noticing about the candidate forum here:
Information on how to participate in or view the meeting:
Saturday, August 21, 2021 – 9:00 AM
Zoom Link for City Council meeting:https://cityofconcord.zoom.us/j/96518953519?pwd=NmU4Z3hpby9BTGlINExQbThnK2o1QT09Webinar ID: 965 1895 3519Passcode: 088414By phone: US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 346 348 7799 or 1 253 215 8782 |
How to Watch the Meeting: