Return Your Ballot, Shape the Future
All registered California voters should have received a ballot in the mail for a ballot question scheduled for September 14th, 2021. On this ballot is a question to voters: Should Governor Newsom stay in office, or be recalled and replaced with the top vote-getter on the back of the ballot? Here, we share information on the ballot questions and ways to return your ballot or vote in person.
All California Voters: Return Your Ballot By SEPTEMBER 14, 2021 at 8pm.
*Note that voters in the City of Alameda, San Leandro, and much of Oakland will have received two ballots for two separate elections- see the bottom of this email for more information on the election scheduled for August 31st.

What the position of Governor does:
The Governor has the power to enact emergency orders, sign or veto state laws, propose a state budget, petition the federal government for aid, appoint people to fill some vacant positions such as state judges, administrators, and some vacant elected seats, and other important decisions about how our state functions.
On this Ballot:
“Shall GAVIN NEWSOM be recalled (removed) from the office of Governor?”
A NO vote is a vote to not remove the current Governor, to have him remain in office until the end of his term in 2023 when the state will have a regular election.
A YES vote is a vote to remove the current Governor Newsom and replace him with the top vote-getter among the replacement candidates on the back of the ballot.
On the back of the ballot:
The second question – “If the governor is recalled, who do you want to replace him?” is followed by a list of candidates. The top vote-getter would take the position of Governor if a majority of voters vote yes to the first question.
You may return the ballot you received in the mail to an official ballot drop box, return via USPS mail, or vote in person on September 14th at a Vote Center.
Voting & Voter Registration Information
Ways to return your ballot:
At any Ballot Drop Box between August 16th and 8:00 p.m. on Election Day, September 14th. See an image of an Alameda County and Contra Cost County drop boxes to the left.
Find drop box locations:
Alameda County Drop Box Locations
Contra Costa County Drop Box Locations
You can also return the ballot by USPS Mail. All mailed-in ballots must be postmarked by 8:00 p.m. on Election Day, September 14.
Return a ballot to any Vote Center or Registrar’s Office by 8:00 p.m. Election Day.
If you are unable to return your ballot, you can ask someone you trust to return your ballot.
Voter Registration:
August 30, 2021 is the deadline to register to vote in the September, 14th election.
You can register or change your voter registration online at
Alameda County residents: You can register in person at the Registrar of Voters office, 1225 Fallon St., Oakland 94612. Ph: (510) 272-6973
Contra Costa County residents: You can register to vote in person at the Registrar of Voters office, 555 Escobar St.
Martinez, CA 94553. Ph: (925) 335-7800
If you miss the registration deadline, you can register and vote conditionally at the Registrar’s office, a vote center or polling place during open hours.
To Vote In Person by September 14th:
If you prefer or need to vote in person, find your local early-voting and day-of voting locations through your county’s Board of Elections website:
Contra Costa County Voter Site Information
Alameda County Accessible Voting Locations will open on September 11th. You can find a list of Accessible Voting Location sites here.
Note: There are two Elections with two different ballots for many residents of South Alameda County!
There are currently two elections happening in the East Bay. You may have two ballots in your mail pile! Be sure to cast each one before the voting deadline. Both of these elections will impact the future of affordable housing in our state, so please return your ballot or make a plan to vote at a vote center!
- Voters in the City of Alameda, San Leandro, and most districts in Oakland have been sent a ballot to vote on who will be the next State Assembly Representative for Assembly District 18. Click here to see if you’re in Assembly District 18.
- The last day to vote for our next state representative is August 31st. Voters in AD-18 (Alameda, San Leandro, and much of Oakland), Click here to find a polling location on August 31st.