Powerful Legacy, Powerful Future

Happy New Year from East Bay Housing Organizations! This year we are thrilled to celebrate a momentous milestone—our 40th anniversary!

EBHO began as a series of informal, monthly brown bag lunches. Affordable housing developers, architects, advocates, city staff, and community activists gathered to discuss how to advance affordable housing in Oakland. Forty years ago, EBHO, then called OHO for Oakland Housing Organizations, hired a half-time staff person to support and incubate the budding nonprofit.

The theme of this year is Powerful Legacy, Powerful Future. In an homage to the early days of EBHO, we will be hosting a monthly Lunch & Learn series this year where we learn from the forty years of successful advocacy before us and mobilize for future action.

In the spirit of this year’s theme, Powerful Legacy, Powerful Future, we’re launching a monthly series of Lunch & Learn events, where we will learn from the past 40 years of successful advocacy to help guide us as we mobilize for future action. Events will take place virtually on the last Thursday of each month from 1-2 PM and event topics will be released quarterly.

Our first Lunch & Learn event, Introduction to EBHO, is coming up this Thursday, January 25th! Next we will have a crash course on Housing Elements on February 29th, and a Member Orientation on March 28th.

Learn more about each event and RSVP below:

Introduction to EBHO

Thursday, January 25th at 1 PM

It’s no secret that Team EBHO has lots of irons in the fire. Have you ever wondered what all we’re working on? Learn about our 2024 campaigns and meet representatives from EBHO’s six committees.

Housing Elements 101

Thursday, February 29th at 1 PM

Learn from EBHO’s Policy Team about what a housing element is, why our last year of advocacy around housing elements was so important, and how you can get involved in the future.

Member Orientation

Thursday, March 28th at 1 PM

Are you a new member? A prospective member? Or maybe you’re a long-time member looking to step up your involvement. Join us on March 28th to learn more about the perks of EBHO membership.