We’d like to close our Faith & Justice program this morning by taking action on two items:
Write a Letter in Support of SB 4
East Bay Housing Organizations is proud to support SB 4, the Affordable Housing on Faith Lands Act!
Faith-based organizations want to support their communities with shelter and support. Why would we limit their ability? SB 4 removes barriers to faith institutions that want to use the land to build affordable housing.
Use our tool to send a letter to your representative in just a few clicks!
Endorse the Regional Housing Bond
Let’s build a Bay Area where everyone has a home in a safe and vibrant community!
If successful, the nine-county Bay Area regional bond will unlock billions of dollars for the construction of up to 45,000 affordable homes serving over 500,000 Bay Area residents over the coming decades. This measure will also raise billions for the preservation of existing affordable housing and ensure protection for at-risk tenants.
Navigate to the website below and fill out your information to sign on in support.