Plan Bay Area passes with openings for affordable housing

If you haven’t heard already, in the wee hours on July 19, our regional planning agencies passed Plan Bay Area: an ambitious effort to address climate change by integrating transportation and land use planning through $290 Million in public investment.  EBHO was there with our allies in the 6 Wins Network, ensuring that affordable housing and protections against displacement were part of the final document.


While it is far from a perfect plan, even opponents of equitable regional planning – many mobilized by the Tea Party – wrote that our “environment, equity, and justice group won the day.”  The Metropolitan Transportation Commission and the Association of Bay Area Governments heard our message: make sure that low-income people and communities of color aren’t left behind in regional growth.  Read more from this great summary by our ally and lead 6 Wins Partner Public Advocates.

Particular thanks go to several commissioners who passed important amendments to the final Plan Bay Area – Supervisors Eric Mar and David Campos of San Francisco, Supervisor John Gioia of Contra Costa County, and Councilmember Libby Schaaf of Oakland.  And many thanks to all of those commissioners, including Jean Quan, Rebecca Kaplan and others who have been champions for our issues in this process.


Live/Work in Contra Costa?  Thank Supervisor John Gioia for an amendment ensuring a public process to allocate cap-and-trade funds – an important opening to advocate for these revenues to fund affordable housing and other benefits to disadvantaged communities., @supejohngioia, 510-231-8686


Live/Work in Oakland?  Thank Councilmember Libby Schaaf for strengthening language about displacement in requirements for the One Bay Area Grant program:, @libbyschaaf; 510-238-7004


Live/Work in San Francisco? Thank Supervisor Eric Mar and Supervisor David Campos for being allies and moving strategies to focus on anti-displacement and local transit operating support., (415) 554-7410; @ericmar415;, @davidcampossf, (415) 554-5144


While there is much more to be done, this is an important first step.  As we search to fund affordable housing at the local and state level, regional work is a crucial an important piece of the puzzle.  Please contact Gloria to learn more or get involved in next steps.

Thank you for lending your advocacy and expertise on this process!