Former Community, Faith, & Justice Organizer

Ronnie Boyd (she/her) served as Community, Faith & Justice Organizer at East Bay Housing Organizations from 2020-2024.
Ronnie is a community organizer who approaches community liberation with a healing justice framework. She has a diverse background organizing for police and prison abolition and public education reform. She also has experience organizing faith leaders in the Unitarian Universalist tradition, activating congregants to direct action and advocating for anti-racist/anti-oppressive policies and structures. Working in affordable housing advocacy was a natural next step, as the grief of housing injustice lay as a backdrop to the organizing Ronnie did in both Chicago and the Bay Area.
Ronnie holds a B.A. and M.A. in Women’s Studies from San Diego State University where she studied how science fiction TV and film provide political commentary on gender, race, violence, and reproductive politics. She is an avid science fiction and fantasy fan with a love for Afrofuturism, Black contemporary art, and womanist theology.
In her spare time, Ronnie enjoys watching wholesome comedic television shows to remind herself that good people can and do exist in both this reality and alternative ones.