A Note From Interim Executive Director, Debra Ballinger

Debra Ballinger headshot

It’s hard to believe that we have already come to the end of the first quarter of 2023. I have now been with East Bay Housing Organizations as our Interim Executive Director for three months, and during that time I’ve watched EBHO continue to grow in size and impact.

We are pleased to announce that we have a new staff member, Kate Young, who is in the new position of Membership and Communications Associate. With a background in organizing and government affairs and having served as Community Engagement Marketing Coordinator for the global organization Technovation, Kate is happy to be working locally again. Her skills and experience will be valuable assets to our members and community.

I’m also thrilled to announce that Aziza Crowder was promoted this month to Membership and Operations Manager. She joined EBHO two years ago and has been instrumental in her support of the Board, members, staff teams, and our many events. Furthermore, Dolores Tejada has joined the ranks of EBHO directors as our new Director of Organizing, and long-time EBHO leaders Jeff Levin, Sophia DeWitt, and Kiki Poe have been promoted to Senior Directors.

We are also poised to hire a Suburban Organizer. This new position focuses on organizing residents of affordable housing complexes in Contra Costa County to ensure their voices are heard as new tenant protection policies are developed in Concord and Antioch. Help us spread the word!

In this time of transition, EBHO continues to be a major force in advocacy for policies and land use practices that support equitable and affordable housing in both Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. Our work on state-mandated housing elements was instrumental in engaging EBHO members and impacted communities in over ten cities and two counties. Our Concord Committee members continue to actively advocate for 25 percent affordable housing at the Concord Naval Weapons Station.

Coming up, we are focused on Affordable Housing Month and our May 4th Kickoff Celebration promises to be bigger than ever. Importantly, the Board is also hard at work interviewing candidates for Executive Director, so stay tuned!

In community,
— Debra Ballinger, Interim Executive Director